I talk about food a lot. And other stuff.

But mostly food.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I promise to go back to finish talking about deliveries 1, 2 and 3, but I've got some stuff here today that I need help with. Ok really only Kolrabi. What the hell do I do with it? Suggestions welcome!!
Doing this from my iPhone, so I can't caption or link. More to come. In the meantime, this delivery included Spinach, Mixed Greens (which I left in the share box because I just can't take it anymore with the mixed greens), kohlrabi, iceberg lettuce, mini red leaf romaine, broccoli rabe, red scallions, garlic scapes, zucchini (which are not listed in my inventory), sugar snap peas, baby white turnips and strawberries.


  1. I used the kohlrabi (cut up into matchsticks) in some fried rice last week, along with the pea shoots and radishes from my last box and it was great!

  2. Here's a summery kohlrabi/potato salad recipe from my CSA's website (//www.redfirefarm.com/recipes/salads.html#kohlrabi)

    Or a nice gratin recipe: http://www.redfirefarm.com/recipes/sides.html#kohlrabi2

    You can also grate/shred it up and use it like cabbage in a slaw recipe since it is a member of the cabbage family.

    The leaves can also be eaten like you would any hearty green (beet greens, turnip greens, etc.)

    Enjoy those garlic scapes...they're generally a one-time deal each year (they're the flowering stalk from hardneck garlic varieties that gets removed by the farmers so it doesn't sap the strength from the bulb.) You can chop them up into recipes as a replacement for regular garlic but they're a little milder. They make a lovely pesto too.
